My 14 year old daughter has been riding at Stoneridge Equestrians for more than three years. After a 30 year break, at age 48, I started riding again and I’ve been having a blast for the last two and a half years.
I cannot imagine what our life would be without Daria and our Stoneridge family. From the first time we arrived at Stoneridge, I immediately felt the warmth of a woman who loves and cares for her horses. She showed my daughter, Grace, how to groom and then tack the horse, all the while explaining why each task needed to be done. Her first ride was perfect. Daria talked with her throughout the lesson, helping her learn how to hold her legs, arms, back, shoulders, and head. Over these last few years, Daria has continued to help her grow as a rider, but also a young woman. Showing a 2000 pound horse who's the boss builds a great deal of self-confidence! Daria's horses are a wonderful mix of breeds and sizes. There are welcoming horses for the brand new rider, as well as ones that are fun and challenging for the more experienced rider. We LOVE Daria and our Stoneridge family!
Kristen and Grace DeFranco